Guest Post by Varsha Vijayakumar
Varsha delves into the impact of a diagnostic pathway on patients and their caretakers, and questions the current focus on mental health and assistance offered…
Category: Mental Health
Beyond the cookie cutter
Guest Post by Rachel Lee
Rachel explores the challenges that J has experienced during her rare disease journey through a lens that considers both her intersectional identities as well as those of other rare disease patients.
Visit from Outside
Let me introduce you to the people that would visit me during my depression. Not all encounters were good but all were moments to learn from.
(This post is an addition to the post ‘Depression: Hello Darkness my Old Friend…’)
Continue readingSaboteur
I am that voice saying: ‘You’re not good enough little girl. You’re not smart enough or tough enough or strong enough to make it in this world’.
(This post is an addition to the post ‘Depression: Hello Darkness my Old Friend…’)
Continue readingDepression: Hello Darkness my Old Friend…
Two days have past since my 3rd myxoma was found. I share with you how I try to make sense of and cope with my depression.
(This post is a continuation of the post ‘Heart Screening for Cardiac Myxomas’)
Heart Screening for Cardiac Myxomas
Regular heart screening is part of life for people with Carney Complex. In this blog post I attempt to share with you the roller-coaster of emotions involved.
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