Typically, you‘d find a whole list of things under this heading concerning what the person does for a living, what education they‘ve completed, if they have children and/ or if they are pet owners.
Truth be told, I‘ve been at a loss for a couple of years now on what to write about myself. In my experience engaging in this type of small talk and trying to convey who I am, by the above mentioned parameters only has led to a downward spiral of negative emotions for both parties. Yet that‘s how society has taught us to introduce ourselves to someone we don‘t know. This doesn’t encourage joy; I can get past this when speaking to someone, but setting that tone in writing is different. So, I’ve decided not to follow this formula completely but give it my own twist.
My schooling and further education were interrupted multiple times. With every new symptom, needed surgery and special family circumstance the question of who I am and what defines me had to be asked anew. The only thing that is a given constant in my life has been that Carney Complex is a part of me, and that it is up to me what I make of it.
Life has different terms for me, and the journey I am on with Carney Complex has impacted my life and identity immensely; as soon as I felt sure of who I was, I‘ve had to reluctantly let go of this idea and redefine myself over and over and over — and you‘ve guessed it: I am still doing it to this day.
Hi there!
My name is Jennifer Woods.
I turned 35 in 2020, have been living on disability since 2013
and would describe myself as:
A creative, chaotically organized generalist!
Despite the many interruptions I might have had during my education I was able to complete a
swiss matura and two years of further general schooling for art at the School of Design in Basel.
Not being able to go onto university or complete an apprenticeship in desktop publishing, I was pushed into trying to get a commercial education before being ruled disabled. Being labeled with disability has not kept me from reading and educating myself by the method of learning by doing.
I am grateful to have a network of skilled and knowledgeable friends, family and acquaintances whom I can ask for help and their expert opinion.
I’ve continued my voluntary work and dedicated much of the last 9 years to creating a support group for others with Carney Complex on facebook, started the first Carney Complex Awareness Day back on April 24th 2016 and have continuously done so every year since. I’ve designed the logos, done some video editing, written texts and have been working on the Carney Complex website as well as this blog.
Here, too, I am very grateful to know I have people whom I can turn to for help, support and guidance.
I can consider myself very lucky to have a lot of interests. This characteristic has kept me afloat.
Much of my sense of self however was shaped through participating in swiss scouts from 1997 to 2017. Through the support and encouragement of other fellow scout friends I received education to become a scout leader and later a federal youth and sports instructor specializing in camp sports and trekking. This allowed me to give 7–10 day courses and coach other scout troops.
While I‘ve not participated in any scout activities since 2017 I still am a scout at heart, love nature and don‘t mind getting dirty.